“Koala Childcare & Early Learning Centres aims to provide a secure and happy environment. The centre offers a healthy, quality, family-centred learning atmosphere that respects and nurtures every child. They believe learning is a lifelong journey and that early childhood education and care provide the foundation for learning for life. Gill Marsden is the Service Manager at the Koala Childcare & Early Learning Centres. She has been in the field of Early Childhood Education since 1987. The centre has a supportive, active learning environment and responsive, holistic programs that enable children to follow their interests, feel successful, thrive and have fun. Children can develop their intellectual, social, emotional, physical and language skills to become confident individuals. They use an online program to update the families about their child’s routines throughout the day. Koala Childcare & Early Learning Centres offer breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, and a ‘late snack’ to kids.”
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