3 Best Courier Services in Morwell

Expert-recommended Top 3 Courier Services in Morwell, VIC. All selected courier services undergo our rigorous 50-Point Inspection, assessing reviews, reputation, history, price, proximity, and more to ensure excellence. No Pay-to-Play!

Morwell Courier Services Willaton Transport image 1
Morwell Courier Services Willaton Transport image 2
Morwell Courier Services Willaton Transport image 3


537 Princes Drive,
Morwell, VIC 3840 Directions

Since 1969

Crane Trucks Warehousing General Freight Distribution Forklifts Containers Paper Steel Drop Decks and Ramp Trailers Road Trains Tankers & Tray Trucks

Willaton Transport is a family-owned and operated business committed to the highest quality transport and storage services, focusing on customer satisfaction through innovative, cost-effective solutions. Willaton Transport has assisted companies locally and all over Australia by providing freight and storage services for over 50 years. They are members of the Victorian Transport Association and National Road Transport Association, and NHVAS and WAHVA certified operators. They have a large and diverse customer base, and their fleet is easily identified by their trademark ‘blue and white’ prime movers. The company is a dedicated team committed to customers and their products. The company's goal is to understand the business and provide specialised transport solutions that include competitive rates and an authentic approach to customer service.

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License ABN 18 007 066 275


03 5133 9000

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Morwell Courier Services Auz Country Carriers image 1
Morwell Courier Services Auz Country Carriers image 2
Morwell Courier Services Auz Country Carriers image 3


32A Swan Road,
Morwell, VIC 3840 Directions

Since 1998

Pick Up Delivery Domestic Express Letters Road Transport Documentation Proof of Delivery On-Time Delivery & Door-to-Door Delivery

Auz Country Carriers provides the best transport and logistics services with same-day delivery. They have over 75 years of combined industry and management experience, which has trained their team to meet your expectations of transport companies. The company specialises in road transportation, third-party logistics, and supply chain solutions, enabling AUZ Country Carriers to become a prominent player among transport companies. They ensure your packages are delivered promptly and safely within the next business day. AUZ Country Carriers prides itself on being a one-stop shop for customers as a logistics and transport company. Their team goes the extra mile to become your trusted partner for all your freight courier, transport, and logistics requirements.

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03 5133 8088

Mon-Fri: 8am - 5:30pm
Sat: 8am - 4pm
Sun: Closed

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Morwell Courier Services FedEx Station image 1
Morwell Courier Services FedEx Station image 2
Morwell Courier Services FedEx Station image 3


6 Surdex Drive,
Morwell, VIC 3840 Directions
International Services Documents Special Services Domestic Express Boxes Large Items Irregular International Time Day Definite Service Labelling Fragile & High-Value Shipments

FedEx Station offers a wide range of international shipping services that meet your unique business requirements. FedEx Station uses a global air-and-ground network to speed up the delivery of time-sensitive shipments, usually in one to two business days with guaranteed delivery time. FedEx is committed to providing global connections while minimizing their environmental impact. FedEx Station believes that a connected world is a better world, and that belief guides everything they do. FedEx Station offers a variety of easy-to-use packaging options with a range of free shipping supplies to FedEx account holders. Their premium airfreight shipping options deliver heavier international shipments within one to three business days.

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13 26 10

Mon-Fri: 8:30am - 4pm
Sat & Sun : Closed

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