“Dr Leon Yeap is a Gonstead-trained Chiropractor and the owner of Precisely Chiropractic. He has been practising in Hobart since 2020 and has served broad range of chronic and complex neuro-musculoskeletal conditions. He is a registered chiropractor with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), a member of the Australian Chiropractors Association (ACA) and a committed member of Gonstead Chiropractic Society Australia (GCSAus). Precisely Chiropractic was established to challenge mainstream therapeutic and rehabilitative norms. Chiropractic is committed to supporting and guiding individuals and families to improve their health and quality of life. They provide professional and tailored chiropractic services to manage and advise your spinal health, nutrition, exercise, and healthy lifestyle choices. He can also converse, read, and write in English, Chinese, and Malay to serve various patients from different cultural and religious backgrounds.”
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