Here’s The Deal:
Karina Wegner is a registered Psychologist with the expertise to assist patients of all ages, boasting over 32 years of experience in the field of psychology. Specializing in addressing cognitive, social, and emotional impairments, she offers a comprehensive range of assessments to tailor therapy to the specific needs of each patient. In addition to individual therapy, Karina Wegner conducts regular group lectures covering various topics such as parenting, social skills, autism, couple relationships, anger management, and bullying. Her practice, Wegner Therapies, provides counseling sessions across a wide spectrum of subjects within a safe and positive environment. Wegner Therapies, under Karina Wegner's guidance, offers an extensive array of psychological services, group therapies, and counseling for patients of all ages. The goal is to foster a positive environment that promotes healthy mental well-being.
• Offer Face-to-face Psychology, Reflexology and Counselling Services.