“Dr R. Matira Taikato specializes in women's mental health, transcultural issues, and working with families. She has been laying strong foundations for managing a broad spectrum of psychiatric conditions and mental health issues. She is a certified family (systemic) therapist and an addiction specialist. Dr R. Matira Taikato assesses and treats people aged 18-65 years. She uses early intervention strategies in her treatment. Dr. R. Matira Taikato practices at Sunny Coast Psychiatry. Dr R. Matira Taikato practices at Sunny Coast Psychiatry. Dr Taikato is enthusiastic about her work and is fully committed to assisting people to live a rich and full life. She respects and honors people's dignity, practicing professionalism with integrity and kindness. She works alongside individuals to build their strengths and resilience while providing evidence-based care.”
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